Cartage Australia Pty Ltd
ABN 60 108 355 344
PO Box 879 Cranbourne Vic 3977
Tel: (03) 5996 1019 Fax: (03) 5996 6570

Job Card Prerequisites Form

If CMV Technician then CMV Technician ID is required, please contact
If CMV Technician then CMV Technician ID is required, please contact

Please enter a Truck or Trailer fleet number.
You can lookup the fleet number using the registration number if required.
The corresponding registration number must be looked up or entered manually.

If Truck not listed please use 999 and enter missing truck identification information.
If Truck is 999 and the registration is not known please enter NOTKWN as the value. Max 6 characters.
Please provide identification information for Head Office to add this as a new Truck.
Excluding front steering axle.
If Trailer not listed please use T999 and enter missing trailer identification information.
If Trailer is T999 and the registration is not known please enter NOTKWN as the value. Max 6 characters.
Please provide identification information for Head Office to add this as a new Trailer.



If yes, job can’t be completed due to safety concern.



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