Cartage Australia Pty Ltd
ABN 60 108 355 344
PO Box 879 Cranbourne Vic 3977
Tel: (03) 5996 1019 Fax: (03) 5996 6570

Elevated Work Platform Prestart Checklist

First name and Last name.
Enter minus 1 (-1) if not applicable.

A Prestart Checklists MUST be completed at the beginning of EVERY shift or before operating other machinery during the shift.
Please report any signs of damage, wear, cracks, leaks or missing components which will affect the functionality of the unit and will need attention & repairs.
NOTE: These are intended as a minimum standard and should not over-ride specific plant requirements.
Please tick each box that you have sighted and inspected each component, please comment.

Category A Faults

The machine MUST NOT be operated until fault is rectified.  NOTIFY Supervisor immediately.
For "NOT OK", please provide more information, including actions, in the Notes section below.

Category B Faults

The machine MUST NOT be operated unless the fault is rectified or operation is APPROVED and SIGNED by the competent person below.
For "NOT OK", please provide more information, including actions, in the Notes section below.
Draw signature|Type signatureClear

Category C Faults

Machine MAY be operated.  Corrective action is required.  Report it to your Supervisor.
For "NOT OK", please provide more information, including actions, in the Notes section below.


Draw signature|Type signatureClear